B&W man hugging dog

National Love Your Pet Day

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day. (OK, honestly? We observe this day every day. But why not have a holiday for it too?) This holiday is a day set aside to give even more extra attention to our pets.  It’s a good day to focus on the special relationships that we have with our pets.

Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet?  While there are more cats than dogs in the United States, more households have dogs than cats. And pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories.  There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats.  Whoever your pet companion is, we’re sure you’ll be happy for an excuse to enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day.

How You Can Observe this Special Day

Take your dog out for a walk – or take an extra-long walk and visit new places. Dogs read the world through their sense of smell. Imagine the happiness your dog will feel if s/he gets to smell new things. And a new or longer walk allows both of you to get plenty of exercise. Be sure to know the leash laws on your new adventure before heading out. Some places — like beaches — prohibit dogs from running loose, while a dog friendly and enclosed area always welcomes them to run free. And don’t forget to take your phone with the WoofTrax app turned on. You’ll be amazed at the miles you put on and the patterns you make while you’re walking! (And don’t forget those poop bags.)

Make them new toys. Dogs love socks. Take one old sock, roll it up and stuff it into another old sock. Tie off the end and – bingo! A new toy! Or put a tennis ball in a sock and tie it off. Great for lobbing into the air for a good chase. (And it’s a great way to get rid of all those lost, unmatched socks.)

Road trip! If your dog enjoys road trips, go for a ride in the car, visit a new place, and while you’re at it, swing through Dairy Queen and buy your dog a Pup Cup. Sonic also offers a cup of vanilla ice cream for your pup. (Many ice cream parlors will have small servings of vanilla ice cream for your dog. Just ask.)

Snuggle time. If you don’t already do this, let your pet sleep alongside you. Whether it’s your bed, on the couch, in your chair, or on the floor, your pet will appreciate the company.

Fix them a home-cooked meal. Even if you’re not the world’s best cook, a home-cooked hamburger, steak, scrambled egg, or piece of chicken is always appreciated by your pup. A little scoop of cottage cheese or some plain yogurt (check the contents — avoid artificial sweetners) can be a special treat. Veggies are good too. Just be sure to check which vegetables are good for your dog. If your dog’s not used to anything but kibble, though, don’t overdo. Just a small, special treat to begin with will show how much you care. Then gradually add more real food to their diet. Just like with people, real, fresh foods are the best for a healthy life.

Have a wonderful day enjoying National Love Your Pet Day with your favorite companion!