Nyki Sinha
Nyki, I’ll never forget you. You were first pet and companion. From 10 weeks to a little more than 10 years, I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing buddy. Not only did you help me get over my fear of dogs, you also were my loyal friend during all my moves around the country. Who knew after living together in 5 states together over the last decade that one day you’d go from being healthy to not being there all of a sudden! I hope someday we do find a cure for canine and human cancer so others don’t have to suffer such a loss. All the memories we shared will forever stay in my heart and I hope someday we are together again in Heaven! My heart is heavy and you took a piece of it with you but I’ll never forget you and what you did to shape me over the last decade. I’m a better person because of you just like other people in my life! R.I.P buddy! I miss you tons!