luke grayson overton (1)           dog on board

Memphis, TN November 9th, 2022: Meet Luke Robinson, who has lost three Great Pyrenees to cancer since 2006. Those companions Malcolm, Murphy and Hudson are not alone as the latest statistics reveal as many as six million dogs are diagnosed with cancer each year. Due to this alarming figure, Robinson is a big advocate about educating and spreading the word about the disease. He founded The Puppy Up Foundation, a national organization that funds cancer awareness, education and research that benefits both pets and people. On September 28th, Luke started his third walking journey, this time along the Hudson River with his three-legged Great Pyrenees, Grayson.

This Thursday (Nov. 10th) Robinson and Grayson will begin the morning at 9:00 am walking on the Hudson River Greenway beginning at Tubby Hook. He is available for interviews during the day and invites everyone to come out and walk with them (contact or 901-619-2286 for his exact location). 

On Saturday, the duo will meet up with those who want to walk the final mile with them at 11:00 am at Foley Square. They will finish their final mile by walking over the Brooklyn Bridge at 11:30 am.

Walking with a dog is not new for Robinson, as he has walked over 4,000 miles or 1/6th the circumference of Earth to bring awareness of canine cancer. Robinson’s first walk from Austin to Boston was in honor of Malcolm, the second walk from Canada to Mexico was in honor of Murphy. This walk honors Hudson, who Robinson lost to cancer last September 4th. During this walk Robinson is raising funds for Hudson’s Hope, which will help pay for canine cancer treatment for those pet parents who cannot afford the cost.

“We know dogs get the same types of cancer that we do…The question is why? That is what our Foundation strives for,” says Founder of The Puppy Up Foundation Luke Robinson. We hope to encourage people to come out and walk a mile or two with us since all of us have been touched by cancer.”

The Puppy Up Foundation

The Puppy Up Foundation is committed to discovering the common links between canine and human cancers and the causes of these cancers through comparative oncology research. The organization will accomplish that mission through education and awareness, empowerment and mobilization and investment in research. For more information:



Ginger Morgan
