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(Emily McVeigh) Lykaios came into our lives on May 28 2015. We had no idea how much he would change all of our lives at that time. We were driving home and almost to our driveway when Emily said hold on, I think I see a dog running. That was impressive as it was evening and storming at the time and Lykaios was a dark colored dog. We got out, called out, and he came running over to us as if we had known him all his life. We volunteer for Illinois Humane and took him to be scanned for a chip that first night. No chip was found and of course Illinois Humane agreed to take him in until we could find his owners or get him adopted. Although we did not officially adopt him until a month or so later he never left our care.

Lykaios was a beautify Wooly Husky with features that looked kind of like a wolf. We had him DNA tested and the results came back 100% Siberian husky though his “look” earned him the nickname “wolfy”. He was a very happy energetic dog who was a friend to all, human and animal alike. He did not really bark but loved to “sing the song of his people” when he recognized a friend or saw another dog he thought he should meet. He did the husky talking very well. Lykaios had a unique ability to be whatever his friends needed him to be.

He was our young Great Dane Lyric’s best friend and playmate. Lyric is crazy and liked to play rough and Lykaios was right there with her, running, jumping, spinning, biting, pulling, and having a great time. He was also her hunting partner and the two of them would patrol the yard chasing any rabbit or chipmunk that happened to stray from cover.

Our older Great Dane Blues has had many cancer surgeries and other health issues; he was slowing down when wolfy came into our lives. To him Lykaios was his best friend and “cuddle buddy”, always laying against him and nuzzling up when Blues needed it. Lykaios loved to lay with his head on Blues back or our laps at night when he settled down.

Dori is our little corgi and when we found Lykaios shortly after getting Lyric she really did not like other dogs. Although she tolerated Blues, she was not too happy about Lyric being around. Dori liked to bark and growl whenever she saw another dog and would charge and snap if they came to close. When Lykaios was first introduced to Dori he would lay down as soon as Dori started to growl or show her teeth. He seemed to remember how close he could get and would come up, lay down, then slowly crawl forward until our little Corgi made it known he was getting too close. After a couple weeks they became friends and were playing and napping together. Lykaios would get low to the ground, bounce back and forth, spin, run and chase Dori; he knew he could not play rough with her like his Lyric friend. I am convinced Lykaios is the reason Dori can now be around “strange” dogs and even work at Illinois humane events!

Lykaios was even good with our cats. He would sometimes chase and pounce down in front of them when they ran but it was all in good fun as the cats eventually came to realize. Lykaios became a real friend to our cat Finch. He would let Finch rub against his face and was even ok with the cat grabbing his muzzle with this front paws and playfully kicking and biting at him.

Lykaios was a friend to all but he did have a mischievous side. He would stealthily sneak up on the other dogs if they had a toy he desired, slowly open his mouth and stretch out his neck, then grab the toy and walk away. He was once caught carrying a box of garlic knots that he stole from the counter. If he would not have hit the sides of the open dog gate with the box, we most likely not have known until they had all been consumed! He liked most toys but balls were his favorite. He would bring them to us, drop them in our laps, and stare at us with his piercing blue eyes until we would throw the ball for him. He could catch very well and loved to chase.

Working for Illinois Humane was one of Lykaios’s favorite things to do. He loved meeting people and especially other dogs. He was a favorite in the dog kissing booth and naturally good at it. He would kiss on command and did very well at soliciting donations to help other animals that needed a home as he once had. He always had a grin and bounce in his step when working at Illinois Humane events!

Lykaios loved being outdoors. He would often lay for hours at a time in the yard even when all of his friends were inside. Being a Siberian Husky Lykaios really liked cold weather and snow was one of his favorite things. Anytime it snowed he would rub the sides of his face in it, roll around, paw, and throw snow everywhere.  He loved running trails in the snow.

Losing one of his hind legs to cancer did not slow Lykaios down at all. It was amazing to see him rush out of the door and “hop” faster than the other dogs could run.

Sadly, Lykaios lost his battle with cancer on May 19 this year.

We would like to thank all the people that made Lykaios happy: All his friends and everyone who came to Illinois Humane events he worked at. Illinois Humane for initially agreeing to take him in and for letting him work at their events. You all helped Lykaios have a wonderful, happy life.

Special thanks to everyone who cared for Lykaios in his time of need. The staff Capitol Illini Veterinary Services for caring for Lykaios for all of his happy years with us and Doctor Holbrook for finding his cancer amputating his leg before it was too late. Doc Mazer and the staff at the University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine for seeing Lykaios through chemotherapy, radiation, and his clinical study. Puppy Up for funding the study Lykaios was enrolled in for his treatments. Your dedication and generosity allowed Lykaios to go see his “people” at a sled dog show, walk on the snow covered beach at the great lakes, run the snowy trails at the marshlands, and do all the day to day activities he loved so much for another ten months.

In closing I would like to say; I love you Lykaios, my beautiful wolf.

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