bone broth

From Tru Dog

By Abbey Ryan

Sometimes we forget that dogs are naturally carnivores. We get caught up in feeding them kibble foods, canned foods, or our homemade vegetables that it doesn’t occur to us that they actually enjoy meat. Dog bodies and human bodies are different, so while we’d never imagine biting into a raw steak or lapping up a bowl of bone broth, But our dogs? They love it. It’s a nice perk that their bodies benefit from it too!

Here are 4 health benefits of feeding your dog bone broth.

1. Improves Their Gut Health

Did you know that the lining of your digestive tract is filled with tony pores? These pores are meant to keep harmful bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles from entering the bloodstream. Your dog’s digestive tract has the same thing! However, a highly processed diet, stress, over-vaccinating, and more can cause these pores to widen. The issue comes when the widening of the pores allowed harmful substances to leak into the bloodstream. (1)

This is called Leaky Gut Syndrome, and it can be very dangerous for your dog. But there’s good news! Bone broth is packed with gelatin, which is broken down collagen. It can work wonders at repairing damaged intestinal tracts since it will seal any of the enlarged pores! (1)

If your dog suffers from Leaky Gut Syndrome, or if they have been given heavy antibiotics, excessive vaccines, or are stressed, consider feeding them bone broth to protect their gut health. (1)

2. Helps Them When They’re Sick

There are few things as miserable as when your pup is sick. Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are all irritating and uncomfortable to have yourself, but when your dog is suffering, it’s hard to know what to do. Your vet might suggest a bit of tummy rest to give your dog’s gut a bit of a breather. On top of that, bone broth is an excellent way to keep them hydrated and avoid becoming nutrient-deficient. Feeding your dog bone broth is an easy food that won’t upset their stomach and will help them get healthy again. Additionally, it’s a great immune-system booster! Consider adding bone broth to your dog’s regular diet to keep them as healthy as possible. (2)

3. Helps Alleviate Joint Pain

According to Dr. Axe, certified doctor of natural medicine,

‘One of the most valuable components of bone broth stock is gelatin, which acts like a soft cushion between bones that helps them ‘glide’ without friction. Gelatin also provides us with building blocks that are needed to form and maintain strong bones, helping take pressure off of aging joints and supporting healthy bone mineral density.’ (3)

Feeding your dog bone broth will help them with any joint pain they might be struggling with. Not only that, bone broth also contains many other compounds that serve to protect joints, such as Glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid to name a few. If you have a senior dog suffering from joint pain, try giving them a bowl of bone broth from time to time.

4. It’s Full of Nutritious Vitamins and Minerals

Bone broth is full of helpful nutrients, all with their own uniquely beneficial properties. These include but are not limited to the above-mentioned collagen and glucosamine, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, Vitamins A, B, C, D, and K, more than 19 different amino acids, phosphorus, and more!  (1)


Bone broth has a lot of great benefits for your dog. One of the best things about it is that you can easily make it yourself! All you have to do is add animal bones to a soup pot or crockpot, cover with water and boil. You can add some apple cider vinegar or dog-approved veggies to enhance the flavor if you like. Once the bones have boiled for a few hours, strain, allow to cool, and serve in a bowl or over your dog’s food. It’s as easy as that!

Please note – you should never feed your dog cooked bones since they present many health hazards for your pup. So stick to the broth for amazing benefits instead! (4)



About the Author:

Hi! I’m Abbey, and my friends like to tell me I’m an animal whisperer (dramatic, right?). But no matter if it’s a family dog or a wild chipmunk in the woods, I love learning new ways to earn an animal’s trust. While I don’t currently own any pets, in the past I’ve owned, leased, trained, and fostered a wide variety of different animals, including dozens of different dog breeds, my favorite of which was a Pit-Terrier mix puppy. I’m currently self employed as a freelance writer and social media manager, am an artist on the side, and am so pleased to be a contributor of Trudog!