smiling dog

With an estimated population of 70 million dogs living in U.S. households, millions of people – most of them children – are bitten by dogs every year. The majority of these bites, if not all, are preventable.

·    The U.S. Postal Service reports that 6,244 postal employees were attacked by dogs in 2017, down from 6,755 in 2016. Children, elderly, and postal carriers are the most frequent victims of dog bites.
·    In 2017, insurers across the country paid nearly $700 million in claims related to dog bites, according to estimates from the Insurance Information Institute.
·    Nearly 29,000 reconstructive procedures were performed in 2016 to repair injuries caused by dog bites, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Take this opportunity to learn more about dog bite prevention and help educate others so we can all work together to prevent dog bites.

It may be a surprise to you that more than half of dog-bite injuries occur at home with dogs that are familiar to us. Adults with two or more dogs in the household are five times more likely to be bitten than those living without dogs at home. The majority of people bitten in our community last year were adults and children under the age of 11.

“Dogs deserve to be treated with respect. It’s important that people know how to interact appropriately with dogs  so they can understand appropriate ways to interact with dogs and when they should give dogs their space to prevent bites. ”


·    Be cautious around dogs you don’t know.
·    NEVER leave a baby or small child alone with a dog.
·    Avoid unfamiliar dogs.  If a dog approaches to sniff you, stand still like a tree.  In most cases, the dog will go away when they determine you are not a threat.
·    Don’t pet a dog by reaching through a fence or into a car window.
·    Always ask permission before petting someone’s dog.
·    Don’t run past a dog.  Dogs naturally love to chase and catch things.
·    Never disturb a dog that’s caring for puppies, sleeping or eating.
·    If you are threatened by a dog, remain calm.  Don’t scream or yell.  If you say anything, speak calmly and firmly.  Avoid eye contact.  Try to stay still until the dog leaves, or back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.  Don’t turn and run.
·    If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your head and neck and protect your face.


·    Treat your own pets with respect and gentle handling.
·    Don’t force your dog into a situation that might scare them.
·    Socialize your dog or young puppy, so they feel at ease around people and other animals.  Gradually expose your dog to a variety of situations under controlled circumstances; continue that exposure on a regular basis.
·    Don’t allow your dog to be in places where they might feel threatened or be teased.
·    Attend a dog training class. The basic manners “sit,” “stay,” “off,” and “come” can be incorporated into fun activities that build a bond of obedience and trust between pets and people.
·    Avoid highly excitable games like wrestling or tug-of-war.
·    Always use a leash when in public to ensure you are able to control your dog.
·    Keep your dog healthy. How your dog feels directly affects how they behave.
·    Don’t chain your dog.  Chaining increases aggression in dogs.

What Should I Do If My Dog Bites Someone?

Even if the bite can be explained (e.g., someone stepped on your dog’s tail), it’s important to take responsibility for your dog’s actions.

Many people are hesitant to report bites because they are afraid of the outcome.

After a bite occurs, the following steps should be taken:
·    Confine your dog away from the scene of the bite.
·    Check on the victim’s condition. Wash wounds with soap and water.  Professional medical advice should be sought.
·    Report the bite.
·    Consult your veterinarian for advice about dog behavior that will help prevent similar problems in the future.
·    If someone else’s dog bites you, seek medical treatment, and then call authorities with everything you know about the dog to help animal control officers locate the dog.

Dogs are wonderful companions.  By acting responsibly, owners not only reduce dog bite injuries, but also enhance the relationship they have with their dogs.
